Young girl playing with a wooden train

Just released: Guide for developing integrated early years care pathways

We’re pleased to share our newest resource guide, From building blocks to care pathways: Working together to support timely access to infant and early mental health care.

It is common knowledge now that the earliest years of life are instrumental for healthy brain development and that what happens in early childhood can shape the lifelong health and well-being of individuals and their communities. This means that all community partners and sectors who support infant and early mental health care have an important role to play when it comes to creating stronger care pathways and help children and their families have access to the right care, in the right setting, in a timely way.

By building community capacity for implementing clear, coordinated infant and early mental health service systems, we can help families in Ontario access the mental health support they need. That’s why we designed this resource to highlight the main factors to think about when bringing community partners together to start their shared care pathways journey.

Developed in collaboration with Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion (IEMHP) at SickKids, this guide identifies the three key phases of developing care pathways for infant and early mental health in your community and includes guiding questions, helpful resources and suggested activities.

Read the guide to see how you can help kids to have the best start in life.