In 2023 we kicked off work on a new quality standard focusing on levels of care. Our goal is to help ensure children, young people and their families can easily find and access the services that match their specific needs. The levels of care quality standard will support agencies in developing and implementing a levels of care model that meets their needs and will lead to the best possible care outcomes for children, young people, and their families.

What do we mean by levels of care?

Everyone has unique strengths and challenges, which means their care needs are different too. Different kinds of care also require different resources. Levels of care models include different types and intensities of care that are organized from least to most intensive. Clients are matched to an optimal level of care and can move through levels as needed. People are matched according to their individual needs and goals in the present moment and as their needs shift and change over time. This approach ensures that resources are used as efficiently as possible while also ensuring that children, young people, and families receive care that meets their needs and adapts as their needs change over time.

Read our topic brief on levels of care

Our path

Where we started

In 2023, we began scoping what a high-quality, aspirational levels of care model would look like in Ontario's child and youth, mental health, substance use health and addictions sector, as well as the supports that would be needed to bring it to life. We held consultations to get a sense of what people are experiencing, and what they know about levels of care. This feedback highlighted gaps in quality-care and helped shape a shared aspirational vision for creating and implementing levels of care models in our sector.

We formed the levels of care Quality Standard Advisory Committee (QSAC). This group of experts and individuals with lived or living expertise helps shape the quality standard by providing valuable input and guidance.

Where we are
After scoping the topic, we began drafting the quality standard on levels of care. This standard took shape through ongoing literature reviews, environmental scans and discussions with our Quality Standard Advisory Committee and other experts. We recently produced our second full draft of the quality standard.
Where we are headed

We are excited to soon share the draft quality standard with you through our public feedback phase! Sharing the draft quality standard for feedback is an important part of our standard development process. Your insights, thoughts, and comments will be essential to ensuring the quality standard is relevant and impactful.

Stay tuned!